Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nicole and Poopsec

Hi Guys, I just wanna share with my cute little puppy dogs name Nicole and Poop sec, they are bichon frise dogs. They are our babies and they sleep with us. Just like other people think as part of their families our babies are part of our lives too without them our lives will be boring especially the little Nicole who loves to give kisses and snuggle at night to her dad and Poop sec. When you think of stress relief our babies are the ones who can help relieve all that stress in you. Many of us think that they are just dogs but for us we will not exchange our babies for anything. Thank you very much guys for dropping by. Until next time again. God Bless

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nursing Job

Hello there guys!It was my off day today and just hanging around the house thinking the rumors from work that due to low census, there will possibility of laying off some staff. I was thinking of where will I'm gonna be if I don't have a job, whose is going to feed my family back home and here. Where will i get my food and gas for my car. Who is going to pay for my rent. There is no job security now here in USA, even you are in the medical field, some Hospitals are laying off staff left and right due to crisis nobody wants to go to the hospitals due to high cost of treatments, the medical bills instead just have self treatment at home. I am hoping and praying that this economy will get better and that i will still have a job. Thank you for dropping by guys until next time..God Bless